Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Having received some visits from across the world, I’ve decided to post something to all whose portuguese isn’t in the best conditions.

Well, as you can see, neither is my English in the best of forms. Just like an old athlete, I am making a comeback to the English Language, to my former English teacher’s nightmare.

But, if you took the time to read my lines up to this point, you might want to know what this blog is all about.

The name of the blog is O Ingénuo that means The Naïve.

Against all odds, the pretensions of this blog are on the line of unveiling or contributing to the knowledge and understanding of the questions that haunt our society, in particular, the Portuguese society.

Then, if this is the aim, why did I call it the naïve?

Well, that is the point, it wasn’t me! The name was suggested by the must varied people with whom, when I was discussing certain questions, politics, in particular, called me naïve.

Let me explain. While a campaign to some elections where on the way, I was declaring my preference to a certain candidate. While I was explaining the reasons for that choice, I was called naïve.

I still disagree, naturally.

What were my arguments? Well, I simply made my choice from an egoistic point of view: I chose the candidate that I thought was the one who was going to do the best job. I believed in this, not because of their personal capacities, but because this candidate, I believed, was going to do better to try gaining social position.

Naïve – they said – there other questions behind all that. I still tried knowing what those questions were, but they didn’t tolled my. So, I don’t know.

But I must tank them for providing me with a name for my blog. A Blog were your opinion is welcome, as it should be. Not only because your opinion counts, but also because you had the strength to read my English and my lines. That, alone, gives you the right to post your coments.

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